equation notes text equation

At equilibrium when  ds / dt = 0 and dn / dt = 0:

To derive text equations 11 and 12, the plant growth and herbivore population isoclines, two plant model;
set equations (9) and (10) to zero, and s = s1 c = c1:
  [from (9)]  (11B)
   [equals equation (11)]  (11E)
[from (10)] (12A)

    [equals equation 12]  (12E)
To derive equation 16, the plant growth isocine for logistic plant growth; two plant model:
[equals equation 16] (16G)
To derive equation 19, equilibrium plant size, multiple plant model.
[from equations 6 and 8, multiple plant model; D(i) = s / s + s0] (19A)
[add logistic plant growth] (19B)
dsi / dt = 0 at equilibrium (19D)
[equals equation 19] (19F)
Derive equation 20, herbivore production by plant i, logistic plant growth model.
[equation 19; cm = ci at si = 0; definition of cm]                          (20A)
[definition of P(i); si/S cancels out p] (20C)
[substitute equation (19)]                                (20D)
[substitute equation 20B]                               (20E)
[equals equation 20] (20F)