Table 1.  Symbols appearing in text, with definitions.
s biomass (size) of plant foliage
t time
r mass specific growth rate of plant foliage
r0 maximum growth rate (r) for plants
H rate of herbivory (removal of foliage)
c average probability of survivorship for juvenile herbivores on the plant
p biomass of foliage required to produce one adult herbivore
i category of plants in which average juvenile herbivore survivorship equals a specified value (or range of values)
si biomass (size) of plant category i
^si equilibrium size for plant si
s0 maximum biomass for plant category i
ci average value of c for plant category i
D(i) function for distribution of herbivore eggs among plant categories


production of new herbivore adults by plant i
P number of adult herbivores produced per unit time for all plants
n number of adult herbivores in the population
^n number of adult herbivores in the population at equilibrium
b per capita birth rate (egg production) by adult herbivores                   
μ per capita death rate of adult herbivores
S total plant biomass, summed over all plant categories
^S total plant biomass at equilibrium
m “marginally defoliated” category of plants; plants with values of ci>cm are defoliated and plants with ci<cm are not
cm value of ci of the “marginally defoliated” plants
x value of ci transformed to a logarithmic scale x=ln(ci)
xm value of x for the “marginally defoliated” plants
sx biomass (or # leaves) of full-grown plants
Z span along x-axis; (xm – Z) is the right–to-left span beginning at xm and ending Z units to the left of xm
PR(x) function determining the “strength of preference” during oviposition (host plant selection)
a coefficient of preference for “best” host plants. (a=0) no preference.  (a>1) strong preference.
K the smallest value of x = xmin
g proportionality constant for scaling preference equation